Certificate Programme on Process Safety & Management (PSM)
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Magnus Global Tech, Bangalore
Basaveshwarnagar, Bangalore, Karnataka; Mobile: +91-9900195059,
Email: [email protected] url:www.magnus-global.com
Certificate Programme on Process Safety & Management (PSM) :
This program has been designed to introduce various elements of Process Safety, integrated with corporate management programs to achieve compliance at the phase of implementation of a process. The scope of the course also includes analysis of elements of RBPS (Risk-Based Process Safety) as proposed by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety), a division of the AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). The aspirants will acquire a thorough understanding of PSM elements, analysis of RBPS with the help of relevant case studies and exercises.
This course enables aspirants to illustrate interpretations of PSM requirements and demonstrate development of an effective PSM program that can be adapted for a specific facility.
Highlights of the Programme :
* Analysis and development of PSM program to meet the OSHA's PSM Standard (29 CFR 1910.119) and EPA's Risk Management Program rule (40 CFR Part 68)
* Understanding of performance-based regulations for prevention programs and implementation of PSM elements
* The course also helps candidates to interpret the performance-based requirements including Human Factors elements (communication, human system interface, work environment, staffing, and fitness for duty), Facility Siting element, Project Risk Management, Senior Leadership & Accountability.
* This Risk-based Process Safety (RBPS) guide from CCPS/AIChE is reviewed so as to help one understand how to close critical gaps.
* We explore multiple options for implementing an effective need-specific program with guidelines for developing cost effective programs for PSM elements.
At the end of this course one will be able to illustrate interpretations of PSM requirements and demonstrate development of an effective PSM program that can be adapted for a specific facility.
Course Schema :
* Introduction to PSM and its origins and goals
* Overview of PSM standards and regulations world-wide, definitions, compliance interpretations
* Concepts of Inherent Chemical Process Safety
* Chemical Plant Design Strategies for Safe Operation
* Elements of PSM :
o Human error basics
o Elements missing from most PSM systems, including specific human factor aspects, management commitment & accountability, and project risk management
o Employee participation
o Trade secrets
o Process safety information
o Operating procedures
o Hot work permit/safe work
o Training
o Contractors
o Process hazard analysis
o Management of change
o Mechanical integrity
o Pre-startup safety review
o Emergency planning and response
o Incident investigation
o Compliance auditing
* Key Performance Indicators, Leading Indicators, and Tracking
* Summary of roles and responsibilities
* Developing PSM programs, implementation planning
Different Modes of Training:
We provide different modes of training like Regular, Weekend, Distance and Online.
For more details please click on the link - http://edu.magnus-global.com/b1.pdf
Unique features of Distance and Online training is -
Distance Education: -
For more details please click on the link - http://edu.magnus-global.com/distance.pdf
Online training:-
For more details please click on the link - http://edu.magnus-global.com/online.pdf
Faculties are from Industry: Faculties are from Industry who emphasis on industrial exposure with systematic approach.
Placements: Magnus job hub is an online platform created for establishing the proper communications between organizations & candidates. In which candidates can upload their Resume & search for the related jobs, whereas Employers can post their Job requirements in our Magnus Job Hub & even search candidates profile with key words.
For further information, please feel free to contact us on Ph. No: +91-9900195059
or write to us on [email protected]
With best regards,
Mahendra Babu B.K.
Head of Technical Education
Magnus Global Tech Education
Basaveshwarnagar,Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Mobile. No: +91-9900195059,
Email : [email protected]