We Are Into Sales and Installation of Wallpapers. 3D Wall Panels Wooden Floor Tiles and More
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We are into Sales and Installation of Wallpapers of all kinds,
3D wall murals, 3D fibre wall panels, 3D leather wall panels, Italian laminated wooden floor tiles, Window blinds, Epoxy flooring in Nigeria and provide interior decor service for Homes, Offices , Hotels,
Boutiques, Shops, Restaurants, Churches etc.
We deliver nationwide from Port Harcourt and lagos.
Our team is made of experienced wallpaper designers, technical experts and most of all, friendly down to earth people.
We pride ourselves on our growing range of styles including geometric, glitter, floral, striped, brick effect and many more!
All of our wallpapers are in stock ready for dispatch within 24 hours.
Our sales team have a passion for interior design and are happy to help and offer any advice.
Contact us today at 42, Ada George Road by Agip, Opposite Sure Foundation Group of Schools, Portharcourt.
Call or Whatsapp us on - 07014054025 , 08103232437