SUFFER NO MORE from Cognitive, Glaucoma and Related Health Challanges
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SUFFER NO MORE from cognitive,glaucoma and related health challanges
Made from one of the oldest living trees (200million years): GINKGO BILOBA
Refine is the combination of Ginkgo biloba, Panda ginseng and Stevia Extract through Tincture
- Boosts blood circulation to the brain and the whole body
- Reduces cholesterol levels
- Prevents artery clogging and narrowing
- Prevents and promotes recovery from stroke
- Anti-blood clot
- Prevents thickening and hardening of artery walls
- Helps with Migraines
- Anti-depression
- Improves memory
- Prevents mental dysfunction
- Prevents swelling of feet, ankles, and legs (Edema)
- Prevents Impotence
- Prevents erectile dysfunction
- Helps with allergies
- Helps with eye disorders and hearing loss
- Helps in the prevention and treatment of Asthma
- Good for Inflammations
- Hemorrhoids treatment
- Antioxidant, etc.
Dosage: By taking only 1 to 2ml twice a daily.
Registration is available & you can get it nationwide
CALL OR WHATSAPP - 08033074501 OR 07017224314