Let us Build and Fabricate Your Machine For You at Beatissima Engineering
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We Execute Engineering Projects of different types and sizes ; - Machine Design and Fabrication : hammer mill, stone crushing machines/ pulverizing plants, food processing machines, palm oil and palm
kernel processing plants, briquette machines, plastic grinding machines, plastic and aluminum shredding machine, aluminum baling machines, semi or fully automated production plants, steel
buildings and structures, container conversion and fabrication, mast erection, tank fabrication, piping, profiling machines, etc. Industrial borehole water system - Industrial maintenance - Heating,
Ventilation and Air conditioning/ Refrigeration -Industrial process automation -Electrical power and wiring projects
Contact us: 08032680434 , 09017637088
(Both contact are for call and Whatsapp)
Website - beatissimaengineering.com
Address - Km 4, Idiroko road, Sango-ota ogun state Nigeria.