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Electronic Locks are latest and better method of being able to access a home or room without the use large keys, this type of lock is accessed with RFID access card
or a PVC Smart Card which is easy and light exactly like a credit card.Teso Tech Electronic card lock is manufactured specifically for Hotels & Resorts.
It Can successfully operate and manage Doors access to Hotels, with computerized Check-In and Check-Out Date and Time to give Guests with a guaranteed peace of mind to
Teso Tech RFID (radio frequency identification) solutions provide a non physical benefit that is a top notch. A full range of RFID locks from complete body mortise
locks to special trim locks have been constructed to react to the security demand of any hotel or Property. Our RFID locks read and write to near field communication,
equipped cell phones devices.as well as a variety of MIFARE credentials.
Primarily, we are associated with the shipment, sales, and set-up of all form of RFID Hotel CARD LOCKS.
TESO TECH LIMITED(ICT Solutions provider)
Email:[email protected]
Tel: +234-907-7253070,+234-817-6969812
Mobile /WhatsApp: +234-907-7253070
website: http://tesotechservices.com/products/
Office Address: KM 4 Benin Sapele Road,Oposite Baden-Baden Motel,Benin City,Edo State,Nigeria.
Sales Representative
Teso Tech Limited
These are hotel locks that operate with programmable cards.
There are basically two types, the card insertion and card
proximity types.
Teso Tech LTD markets and installs latest versions using card
proximity reading rather than insertion.
Proximity types are more recent and have an advantage over the
insertion types because they work faster and are more
efficient. A guest probably drunk, tipsy, in a hurry or trying to
escape from danger doesn't have to struggle with locating
the card slit on the door lock to insert the card. All he or she has
to do is bring the card close (about 20mm) to the lock to
gain entry. The lock features are as follows:
(a) Locks are powered by use finger size (AA) batteries, which can last for up to 18
months, but warns during the last 3 months for the user to replace the batteries. Battery
replacement is very simple, can be done by virtually anyone and does not require any
special skills. If the battery replacement warning is carelessly ignored or if any unit
becomes faulty, the locks have conventional keys that can be used to bypass the card
access so that the lock can at the interim, function as an ordinary lock.
(b) User friendly software is installed in the receptionist's computer with a card reader
hardware connected. To check in a guest, a card is inserted in the reader and
programmed to open the room selected by the guest. The card is usually programmed to
contain the following information:
- Name of customer.
- Duration of stay: - Access to the room ceases at the expiration of programmed duration
of stay.
- Room data, checkin and checkout times and dates.
(c) The smart card used for the locks also operates the card switch / energy saver which
replaces the conventional wall switch for operating the room light. Energy Saving Card
Switch can be installed in rooms to disable power from selected equipment in the room in
a case where the guest is not in the room. Refrigerators for example are expected to be on
when the guest is absent, while air conditioners and room lights should be off. Also this
card switch disables the selected equipment when the duration paid for expires.
(d) Hotel management and staff identity cards can be selectively programmed to have
access to some or all rooms for clean up, laundry, room service or other purposes. Lock
system keeps information of all entrances into rooms which can be retrieved to know who
entered the rooms and at what time.
(e) User friendly and easy-to-use desktop computer software has the following features:
- Gives information on rooms in use and free rooms.
- Gives information on used rooms that require clean up and preparation for subsequent
- Keeps full data of all guests.
- Can enable or disable any card from having access to any room.
(f) The locks are easy to repair and maintain and can be used to replace existing
conventional door locks without any major structural adjustments.
TESO TECH LIMITED(ICT Solutions provider)
Email:[email protected]
Tel: +234-907-7253070,+234-817-6969812
Mobile /WhatsApp: +234-907-7253070
website: http://tesotechservices.com/products/
Office Address: KM 4 Benin Sapele Road,Oposite Baden-Baden Motel,Benin City,Edo State,Nigeria.
Sales Representative
Teso Tech Limited
Smart Card Door Key Locks for Hotels Security and Access System
Can productively control and oversee Door Access to Hotels, with computerised Check-Out and Check-In Date and Time to give visitors assurance.
When safety counts, you can rely on Teso Tech Door Locks
Teso Tech renders authomatic locks and computerized locking systems to the hospitality world integratiing magnetic-stripe and smart card lock technology in guestroom locks. It provides top security and fix easily in place.
Teso Tech hotel lock System(tm) is a program based on personal computer and rfid nearness card and lock. It gives quality effectiveness, safety and easy way to operate the rooms rent.
Both Our hotel lock and Door lock is modeled for a broadly range of hotels, from private hotels with small rooms who want to remove the cost of replacement keys and initiate ways of effectually controlling checking in and checking out, to Groups that manage a chain of hotels and wish to renders comfort to their customers, with the rising security provided by an electronic system.
hotel locks need to be easy to use, safe and gives affordable cost.These three unique qualities is what Our hotel lock provides and also offers the foremost market value in its style. They are made to take the complex and wide needs of the hospitality industry.