Residential Bed Bug Control in Lagos Nigeria
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When it comes to bed bug infestations the first stages are very often unnoticeable. For us, specialists, there are certain indications that bed bugs have settled in even during the early stages of an infestation. Our residential bed bug control in London and the surroundings include detailed inspection and risk assessment of your property, individual approach for bed bugs extermination using chemical and non-chemical treatments. For best results we combine professional-use-only insecticide spray with targeted super-heated chemical treatment
Once an infestation has been eradicated we provide aftercare with our bed bug prevention programmers, as well as post-treatment monitoring. The inspections and risk assessments that we carry out are very thorough and detailed, as we check all possible hideouts associated with furniture in all rooms, whilst we manually remove live bed bugs and eggs during the inspection. For maximum efficiency we highly recommend treatment of the whole property, due to the risk of spreading bed bugs around the untreated areas. We offer great discounts for whole properties and subsequent treatments.
Contact us for your bed bugs eradication services
Tell: 07033491967