Fumigation and Hygiene treatment
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Bed bugs are one of the worst types of infestation a person can have in their home. What makes bed bugs so repulsive is that fact that bed bugs feed on blood, including those of your loved ones. Additionally, they reproduce extremely fast with each female laying up to 5 eggs each day. That means in a bed bug's 300 day lifespan a female bed bug can lay over 500 eggs Bed bugs are very small, only about the size of an apple seed. In addition to being nocturnal, bed bugs are reddish brown in color, flat and oval-shaped.
Bed bugs can survive in any temperate climate that has a population of warm blooded animals. Bed bugs have the ability to hide in bird nests so they are common in areas that have bats and poultry. They can also travel, so if you pick them up unknowingly at a hotel or laundromat, expect them to make it to your home. Give us a Call today 07033491967