Plant Design Management System (PDMS) Training, Port Harcourt.
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Plant Design Management System (PDMS) is an Engineering Design Software used to model a complete Facility from Foundation level to the Equipment level, Structural level, and as well as Pipe routing .
It is a multi-discipline three-dimensional modeling system that allows on to simulate a detailed full-sized model of all significant parts of a Facility.
It allows one to see a full-coloured shaded representation of the Plant model as Design progresses, adding an extremely level of realism to traditional drawing office technique
PDMS (Plant Design Management System) as it is known in the 3D CAD industry, is a customizable, multi-user and multi-discipline, engineer controlled design software package for engineering, design and construction projects in offshore and onshore.
* To provide trainees with the basic knowledge of Pipes and Plant Design Management Systems
* To train engineers to competently design pipes, workflow stations and 3D Plants using the PDMS Software
* To provide trainees with practical knowledge of the user interface, attributes, positioning and orientation of elements
* To provide a refresher course for those already involved in the oil and gas pipes & plant design operations
Mechanical/ Production engineers, Electrical, Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Materials Engineers, Construction Engineers, Oil & Gas Engineers, Civil-Structural Engineers, Designers & Draughtsman, Project Engineers and other related disciplines.
PDMS has modules for both administrative and designer users. This training is limited to the modules for Designers. However, it is a pre-0
Requires modeling a complete 3D- representation of facilities.
_ Introduction to Design module.
_ Entering Design modules and PDMS
_ Switching between modules.
_ Design Database Hierarchy
_ Menu bars in PDMS design (Display, Edit, View, Selection, Utilities, create, modify, position, orientate, connect, query )
_ Primitive and attributes in PDMS
_ Equipment modeling (HV, VV, and standard equipments)
_ Structural modeling (ASL, Beams and Columns, Panels and Plates, walls and floors)
_ Cable tray modeling (fixed tray, reducer, bend, cross, tee, riser)
_ HVAC modeling (Rectangular components, Circular components, Flat oval components, Transformation, Branch connectors, Inline plant equipment).
_ Pipework modeling.(Piping fundamentals, piping & components / pipeline modeling)
_ Design templates.
This module is used to extract project general arrangement drawing. Using this module all discipline including piping, structural, electrical etc. extract all the required general arrangement drawing. Extracting general arrangement drawing using draft module helps user to use annotation & tagging as required.
_ Introduction to drafting
_ Entering draft module
_ Types of graphics in draft module
_ Draft database
_ Draft Database Hierarchy
_ Auto Drawing Production (ADP)
_ Autodraft/Final designer
_ Sectioning of views in draft
_ Dimensioning (Linear, Angular & Radial)
_ Modifying of dimensions
_ Labeling, Printing, Sheet selections (Title, Key plan, & Reference drawings)
Used to measure spool and distances and insert welds in piping components.
_ Introduction to spooler
_ Entering spooler module
_ Data consistency check
_ Measuring pipe length
_ Inserting weld
_ Spliting a tube with a weld
_ Ploting the spool drawings.
Used to produce isometric plot files of pipes and networks, from either the Design or Fabrication databases, to your own required standards. These drawings can be used for pipe work fabrication, as well as during on-site erection.
_ Isometric drafting and MTO"s generation of Pipe-line numbers from the Design Modules.
Port Harcourt Centre
5 Day Plant Design Management System(PDMS)Training
Lagos, PH and Abuja
PDMS | Weekday | 20th - 24th Nov.| N49,999
PDMS | Weekend | 11th - 25th Nov. | 3 Wknds | N49,999
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