Business Analysis Fundamentals Training, Port Harcourt
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Business Analysis + Free Microsoft Vision
Lagos, PH and Abuja
Business Analysis Fundamentals.Every project needs someone that can help turn ideas into reality: a business analyst. Join author and certified business analyst Victor Esedebe as he walks you through the fundamentals of business analysis tools and techniques. Victor will demonstrate how these skills are used to gather requirements and identify solutions to provide better business outcomes on your change initiatives.
Discover where business analysis lives in the project life cycle, how to initiate a project, the best way to gather requirements, and smart strategies to monitor results and test outcomes. is a PMI Registered Education Provider. This course qualifies for professional development units (PDUs). To view the activity and PDU details for this course, click here.
The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Topics include:
Understanding what business analysts do
Defining business opportunities and objectives
Identifying stakeholders
Gathering requirements through observation and brainstorming
Validating requirements
Developing project acceptance criteria
Implementing, testing, and closing your project
The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc
Business Analysis
Lagos, PH and Abuja
BA | Weekday | 6th - 8th Nov. | 3 Days | N49,999
BA | Weekend | 4th - 11th Nov.| 2 Weekend | N49,999
Click Here to see Course brochure
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Hotlines: 809 - show phone - , 703 - show phone - , 813 - show phone -