Online Maths and Chemistry Tutors. Experienced, Simplifying!
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Are you, your child, or your ward studying secondary school Maths, or secondary or tertiary school Chemistry? And do you or your child or ward need help with one or more topics or with homework?
Pass your Maths or Chemistry exam or let your child or ward pass their Maths or Chemistry exam: Let our patient, multiple-degree-qualified, experienced tutors simplify the topics and homework for you.
We use a revolutionary, learning-ensuring method of coaching!
The service is accessed by phone, Skype, email, or a combination of two of these three channels: Thus eliminating the danger and possible inconvenience of going out for a service or of inviting someone to where you are for a service.
You say which of the channels of access you want.
You will be coached before you pay for the coaching!
Discussion of a topic or homework by phone or Skype is fifty naira per minute. While explanation by email is six naira per word of explanation sent to you.
Succeed in your Maths or Chemistry exam or let your child or ward succeed in their Maths or Chemistry exam: Let our patient, multiple-degree-qualified, experienced tutors simplify the topics and homework for you.
Request this revolutionary coaching now! By calling Ola at +234 903 651 4302. Or by email to [email protected]