Advanced Excel
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We Provide Quality & Comprehensive Video Training for Your Personal Development, Business Growth, Productivity, Entrepreneurs and Professionals.
We Have Developed A Cutting Edge Technology To Enhanced Your Success As A Person, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs. We call it E-Class (Video Training) in CD and Downloadable Formats.
This Videos Training contains 82 Videos that move you from an ordinary to Advanced user with topics such as Macros, Pivot Tables & Chart, Database functions, statistical functions, VLOOK UP, HLOOK UP Functions, What - if Analysis, Goal seek, Scenario Manager. PLUS Exercise files to practice with on each of the videos.
It Is A Learning Alternative To Physical Classroom/Workshop. E-Class/Workshop (an E-Learning Platform). They are recorded videos on Personal Development, Business Start-Up, Business Growth, Productivity, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Professionals & Career Development etc.
Use Advanced Excel Expertise To Earn Additional Income by providing Accounting Services for SMEs.
Start Earning Extra Income and recoup your investment many times by Offering Advanced Excel Training to others students in your area.
Out-perform fellow job contestants and perform better on the job by delivering results to your employers and be promoted for your expertise.
Become a Advanced Excel Consultant, control your time and earn in millions.