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Norland Vision Vitale contains Pure Natural Plant Essence,that Protects Vision, Prevents Eye-sight Loss
And this Wild bilberry grows in North Europe, North America and Canada and has a long history in curing diabetes and eye diseases. Wild bilberry prevents sight loss, macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa, protects eyes from light hurt, promotes vision and protects vision.
Norland Vision Vitale Capsules
This product is a health food mainly made up of bilberry extract, grape seed extract, taurine, zinc gluconate, vitamin A acetate, hydrogenated oil, beeswax, soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, water and vegetable carbon black.
has a Pure Natural Plant Essence, Protect Clear and Shining Eyes.
Vision Vital Capsule is a health food which Taste test has proved that the product has the health function of alleviating eye fatigue,Blurred Vision and Return Clear and Shining Eyes.
Effective ingredients; each 100g contains proanthocyanidin 9.48g, taurine 5.91g. zinc 1.0g, Vitamin A, 50.85mg
Norland Vision Vitale Capsules supplement beneficial Nutrients and Vitamins which the body requires to correct eye issues.
*alleviate eye fatigue
*adjust eye discomfort
*cure eye sight loss, myopia, macular degeneration and retintis pigmentosa
*improve night vision, eye strain and repair eye damage
*protect against age related problems like cataract, macular degeneration
*protect against diabetic retinopathy which is damage to the retina cells due to high levels of blood sugar.
*Cataracts - it clears cataracts permanently.
*Glaucoma - It eliminates any existence of glaucoma in the eye and gives a shining and stronger vision.
*Myopia - Also knowns as Nearsightedness - clears the vision for better.
*Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)- It improves vision for the better.
*Blurry Vision - You won't worry about seeing the TV screen blur or seeing anything blur. The end of blurry vision.
*Improve and perfect your eyesight so that you don't need your "readers" nearby every single time you need to read the newspaper, a report, a book, or a document.
*Strengthen your eyes and focal muscles, eliminating the painful burning sensation in your eyes at the end of every single day.
*Use a computer or watch TV anytime, anywhere as long as you want, without pain.
*Improve ALL aspects of your vision. Whether you're nearsighted or farsighted, the condition can be cured!
* See road signs from far away, watch a movie, play catch or read a book with just a lamp on, without stressing about carrying your Spectacle around everywhere!
*Start your day comfortably, without worrying about taking half an hour to pop your eye drop or find your Spectacle.
Vision Vitale Capsules comes in 48g and contain 60 Capsules
It takes care of all eye problems faster
Protect clear and shinning Eyes
It alleviate eye fatigue
It prevents macular degeneration
It protects eyes from light hurt
Promotes and protects vision
Suitable for people suffering from cataract, glaucoma etc...