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- Do not pay in advance even for the delivery.
- Try to meet at a safe or public location.
- Check the item BEFORE you buy it.
- Pay only after collecting the item.
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Welcome to Maytext
Login into your MAYTEXT account or Register if you don't have an account yet, click on buy SMS on the left or Buy Credit on the right top corner.
Enter your SMS quantity and Choose VoguePay as payment method to pay online OR Pay to bank then send details to 08032280977
You will be redirected to VoguePay (Our Payment Processor), then confirm your SMS Quantity and Price rates
Select to pay using VoguePay(you must have a wallet with Voguepay to use this), Interswitch or Etransact/PocketMoney, then click Proceed.
Enter your details like email address and click on make payment, when the Payment platform page appears, enter your card details safely and correctly, Click Pay
When the transaction is complete, you will be redirected, if a prompt comes up for this, Click Ok. Note: If your transaction is successful, your sms account is credited immediately after payment has been made.
If you encounter any issues regarding any of your transactions, please contact support here
Contact Us
* ___12 Bola Adedamola Street,fagba, Ogba, Lagos Nigeria
* ___08032280977
* ___mayconcept
* [email protected]
* Bulk Sms
* Targeting Marketing
* Training and Consulting
* SMS Reseller
For more info visit this Email address [email protected]