The A2W Healthy Oven is a well developed and branded energy efficient European oven that can be powered with a small generator. It comes with a 12 months warranty and an option of 2 years warranty for a little extra.
It cooks faster, healthier, more effectively, more efficiently and better than other cooking devices. It basically allows you to replace your microwave and big oven in one blow. The A2W Healthy Oven is in stock that will land within a maximum 60 days.
We have pre-packaged the A2W Healthy oven with a business tracking centre, a unique website to market other avenues to wealth opportunities and access to a few other privileges. Once you buy this oven, you become a distributor with Avenues to Wealth and enjoy all other distributor discounts.
Each oven comes with the following features and perks
12 months warranty, with the ability to extend that for 2 years
A business tracking centre
A unique website to market other avenues of wealth opportunities
A prepaid voucher, which you can use for yourself or for whoever buys from you
Ability to renew your pack, start a new pack, or top up an existing pack with more PV values
Comes with a minimum point value for starting as distributor at 10pv instead of 100pv. An opportunity for those who don't have the full money for privilege pack yet
Every sale contributes to your weekly binary reward
Difference between Retail and Distributor Price is extra income
Top 5 people with highest number of Ovens bought directly or sold personally by the time we clock 10,000 ovens will qualify to win a Car.