Wallpapers; Buy Good Quality 3D Wallapers With up to 20% discount
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3D wallpapers; buy 5 rolls of any of our beautiful top quality new designs and get 1 roll free.
Wallpapers; Nigeria number one best wall cover for the past five years and still running.
Buy 5 rolls of any of our collections and get 1 roll free, buy 10 rolls and get 2 free and so on.
Turn your home, office, church, cafe... into an appealing sanctuary and provide your family, friends and customers with the best place to relax and spend quality time. Our dynamic new designs are beautiful, stylishly, customize and well suited for homes, office, cafe, hotels or any wall with a smooth surface.
But note, If your wall is not smooth, we will have to screed the walls before the installation of the wallpapers.
Our professional installers are always on deck to finish it with seamless transition.
We also sell and install 3D wall panels, window blinds, ceiling services, wooden flooring and professional painting services.
Call us for enquires and consultation.
08069239069, 07019080826
[email protected].