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Attend our life enriching intensive training on recharge card printing, meet one on one
with top networking agents and personals from various telecoms industry in Nigeria like
MTN, AIRTEL, GLO, etc. You also have opportunity to work with some networking companies
as there sales rep, customer care agents etc. Date: Saturday 23rd april till Saturday 30th
April 2016,Venue: Skytex center, No 35 toyin str. Ikeja Lagos, Time: 11 am prompt.
Training fee: #5000.
For those that are outside Lagos, for #2000, a self agents training pack, e books,
manuals and recharge card printing software would be sent directly to you via email
The first 20 people to register gets a free laptop and printing machine. Contact Mr.
Kayode mark on 07083311911 or add me up on whatapp for more details and for bank account details. This is the
right opportunity to be self employed, act Now!!!!