Wedding and Party Caterers
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Fair Smiles is a professional catering outfit, our specialties include corporate and outdoor catering, table setting and small chops. Besides parties, we cater for corporate organisations and schools. We provide lunch, as well as deliver packed lunch to schools and offices for trainings, meetings, seminars, office birthdays. We have a unique corporate catering profile. We provide framework for corporate canteen setup, professional training for canteen managers, cooks and service personnel for those with existing canteen structure
Be your event a small intimate dinner or the wedding of your dream, an elegant affair or a casual get- together, seminar or symposium we are a name to be trusted. We not only provide our experience, creativity and varieties of menu options, we also pay great attention to your needs and desires, our objective is to exquisitely tailor your important event to meet every of your expectations.
There is no limit to the excellent and exquisite cuisine of Fair Smiles, for us there is no event that is too big or too small.