These Vehicles are being sold for cheap and good price
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These vehicles are going for very good and cheap prices come for inspection and buy.
1.Dodge carava 98/model
manual drive
wine color
fabric seat
A/c factory fitted
price = N600,000 ( six hundred thousand naira only)
2.PT Cruiser Chrysler
manual drive
Metalic white color
leather seat
A/c factory fitted
price = N980,000 ( nine hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
3.Ford galaxy
Auto drive
blue color
fabric seat
A/c factory fitted
price = N780,000 ( seven hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
4.Honda accord 2.0
manual drive
black color
fabric seat
A/c factory fitted
price = N600,000 ( six hundred thousand naira only)
5.Toyota PICNIC (Left hand drive needs conversion)
manual drive
purple color
fabric seat
A/c factory fitted
price = N700,000 ( seven hundred thousand naira only)
6.Nissan Xterra SE
Fabric seat
brown color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N1,580.00 (one million five hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
7.Nissan pathfinder
Fabric seat
wine color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N1,580.00 (one million five hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
8.Honda Accord 2007 model
Fabric seat
brown color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N2,680.00 (two million six hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
9.Honda Accord 2005 model
leather seat
brown color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N1,580.00 (one million five hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
10. Toyota camry (Tiny light)
Fabric seat
brown color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N980,000 (nine hundred and eighty thousand naira only)
11. Toyota camry (orobo) Hatch back
Fabric seat
white color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N750,000 (seven hundred and fifty thousand naira only)
12.Pegout 406 (orobo) hatch back
Fabric seat
white color
Auto drive
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N900,000 (Nine hundred thousand naira only)
Then Nigerian used we have right now
1.Baby boy 1999 model
4 plugs
fabric seat
Alloy rim
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N630,000 ( six hundred and thirty thousand naira only)
2.Toyota camry (tiny light) 1999 model
fabric seat
Alloy rim
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N630,000 ( six hundred and thirty thousand naira only)
3.Sienna 2000 model
fabric seat
Alloy rim
A/c fatcory fitted
price = N630,000 ( six hundred and thirty thousand naira only)