Nollywood Actor/ress Hunts
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Do you base in Nigeria or live around West Africa Region?.
Are you Vibrant,Smart and have the Zeal to pull waves in the movie industry,script writing, production, directing and lot more?. Please don't allow your God giving talent to waste away,why we welcome you on board as the Nigeria Movie Industry(NOLLYWOOD) Under Actors Guild of Nigeria is out with the Nigeria Movie Talent Hunt "Phase 3",and we are using every platform to get it through to every interested and talented individual out there. So if you acquire the above skills and want to be in the Movie line then grab this golden opportunity as it doesn't come quick...Call on the various admission officers the person of Mrs Grace Adebayor under Front-line Productions via her office contact +2347035286360 and Mr Dave Maduka under P.Collins Productions via his office contact on +2348151721960.
Note(1) You must be above the age of 15+,must have full passion for acting and a serious minded being..
Note(2) Calling Hours are 8:00am-5:00pm, Mondays-Saturdays..
Note(3) Our form is to be bought,but every partaker will send the form fee teller slip alongside with the filled form sent to you by either approved platform.
Sign by Management....
The Nigeria Movie Industry/ Actors Guild Of Nigeria.