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* Training Method: Classroom
* Duration: 2 Days
* Training Schedule: By Request
1. Marketing - Definition & Strategy
2. Sales - Definition & Strategy
3. New Product Development
4. Laws Of Sales Management
5. Find Consumers And The Buying Behaviour
6. Marketing Strategy With Positioning
7. Price Setting In The Business World
8. Place And Development Of Channel System
9. Element Of Product Planning & Management
10. Promotion - Introduction To Integrated Marketing Communication
11. Advertising And Sales Promotion
12. Price Setting In The Business World
* Jobskills Training Institute Accreditations -
Certificate to be issued will be printed with our accreditation partner's logos as approval seals for:
1. World Safety Organization (USA)
2. Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria(ISPON)
3. Oil and Gas Trainers Association Of Nigeria(OGTAN)
4. Nigerian council for Management Development(NCMD)
5. Nigerian Red cross Society(NCRS)
6. Industrial Training Fund(ITF)
7. Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR)